Friday, February 6, 2015

Surprising Facts About Bananas


Executive Summary

Bananas are one of the favorite fruits of the United States, with about 96 percent of consumers purchasing information bananas last year. In fact, on average, Americans consume more than 28 pounds of bananas per person per year! That's good news, because bananas are rich in nutrients and offer a wide range of other health benefits. For example, did you know that bananas might actually help you feel happy, or smell of bananas could act as an appetite suppressant? Read on to find out who the banana split, why bananas are 37 percent cheaper than they were invented in 1980, and it is true that bananas (as we know) could disappear in our lifetime .

1. The smell of the fruit may suppress appetite

We bet your attention. Yes, according to a study by the smell and taste of the Foundation treatment and research in Chicago, the smell of certain foods when they trick the brain can think that hunger is eaten. These foods are bananas. If this is not enough to convince you that you can enjoy bananas as you lose weight, feel next time you are hungry.

 2. Bananas can improve athletic performance

There may be a reason why most of the best athletes in the world of love bananas. Olympic Yohan Blake would eat 16 bananas a day! A recent study by the Human Performance Laboratory at Appalachian State University found that the average consumption of a banana every 15 minutes during a trial bike test time was as effective as drinking sports drink matched all carbohydrates 15 minutes. If you are active, bananas are a good option to feed your muscles while providing antioxidants and other nutrients missing sports drinks.

3. Bananas are one of the cheapest fruit we buy

Banana expert Dan Koeppel told that NPR in 2011, The banana is one of the cheapest fruit in the supermarket, & it is pretty rare that is sent off, and needs a lot of refrigeration and handling, numerous than apples, for sample . "To put a realistic price on that, earlier this year, Dr. Mark J. Perry, professor of economics at the University of Michigan, wrote about the American Enterprise website, "I bought four other bananas day at the local Safeway and realized when I looked at the receipt that the cost of four bananas was only 95 cents or less than 24 cents a banana. what a deal! "bananas pack an amazing amount of nutrition and health benefits at an incredibly low cost.

4. Banana prices have dropped 37 percent since 1980

With greater efficiency in production, distribution and transportation, banana prices have declined steadily over the last 30 years. Dr. Mark J. Perry, professor of economics at the University of Michigan wrote: "Banana prices today, adjusted for inflation, are 37 percent lower than in 1980." Perry said the bananas for the first time with US consumers in 1876 at the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition, which sold for ten cents each. He writes: "In today's dollars, that would be the equivalent of $ 3.00 per banana, or 1,150% more than the 24 cents I paid in the local Safeway a few days ago" While! the cost of many items in our caddies grow bananas are an element that is really profitable and rich in nutrients.

5. Bananas are friendly diet

A medium banana has 110 calories and provides 30 grams of carbohydrate and 3 grams of fiber. In addition to completing the fiber, bananas contain resistant starch, a type carbohdyrate you can not digest, but helps you feel full longer. May 2 to 3 grams per banana resistant starch (green with the most resistant startch). This makes a great snack banana aftenoon environment or snack perfect pre-workout if eaten an hour before the workout.

6. 96 percent of US households buy bananas every month

According to the Lempert Report, Americans consume an average of more than 28 pounds of bananas a year, with more than 96 percent of households buy bananas at least once a month. Dan Koeppel said "Americans eat a lot of bananas and apples and pears together." The total world production is estimated at 86 million tonnes. According to the National Horticultural Council, India, India is the world leader in banana production, with an annual production of about 14 million tons (23 percent of total world production of bananas) . Most of bananas and plantains Indians are used for domestic consumption and export to other countries. Other major banana producing countries are Brazil, Ecuador, China, Indonesia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Thailand and Colombia.

7. Bananas are portable and versatile

Banana is a very versatile fruit that can be eaten on the road or used in delicious recipes, smoothies baked goods. We are inclined to say that there is no single recipe for banana, we find that we do not want, but that would be pushing it. For a healthy dessert option, try this: get a few ounces of dark chocolate (more than 70 percent cocoa), and fusion. Slice a banana and dip each slice in chocolate until the slices are fully covered. Put them in a bowl lined with parchment paper and freeze. Let them freeze and enjoy a piece as a starter or dessert.

8. Bananas a boost of vitamin C

Usually, oranges and strawberries that come to mind when thinking of vitamin C, but part of the banana provides 15 percent of the daily value of vitamin C. Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that helps neutralize harmful free radicals and helps maintain systemic inflammation Bay. It also helps to produce collagen muscles, bones and other tissues binds. If you need other reasons, vitamin C helps maintain healthy blood vessels and is required to absorb iron and folic acid optimally.

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